Kingdom was founded centuries ago by its first king, Dernin
Solfre, with the aid of his best friend and guardian, the pauper
knight Dero La'kure. It takes up the whole of a small continent
on the world of Ezg, sharing the land only with a small independant
city-state called Garr-Kolan.
The north is frozen over, and the deep south was destroyed a long
time ago, in order to create a barrier of desert to keep the Dead-that-Walk
of the connecting southern continent from crossing up into the
Ten years ago, a brief, silent, violent coup put the prince Graid
Solfre on the throne. Life on Ezg has always been hard: dragons,
monsters, the dead and the chores and the slaves. It takes a wise
king to keep the country thriving. Otherwise, the tumble into
destruction is swift. Painful.
Graid has never been wise. It's time for a change.